
VirtuEL19 was LIVE on 6/15/19 

Replay Watch Links are Below

Opening Keynote:  

Session Description: Mastering Collaboration

Audience: K-12, admin, school leaders 

When it comes to accelerating EL achievement, there is no silver bullet. But this, Andrea Honigsfeld and Maria Dove promise you: when EL specialists and general ed teachers pool their expertise, your ELs’ language development and content mastery will improve exponentially. Watch this keynote to hear firsthand from Andrea and Maria what exemplary teacher collaboration looks like, which frameworks must be established, and how integrated approaches to ELD services benefit all stakeholders. 

Andrea and Maria will be following your tweets at 10 AM.

@AndreaHonigsfel  @MariaGDove |

Collaboration and Co-Teaching (book)

professors | author | consultant| speakers 

10:30-10:55 AM EST

Dr. Katie DiGregorio & Katherine Neumair

In this session, we will share and speak about scaffolds for the social studies ELL classroom. Through strategies on essay writing, content delivery and in-class activities, Katie and Katie have been extremely successful in their students passing the NYS Global and US History exams all while providing opportunities for meaningful learning to take place, promoting language growth and global connections. 

Beth Skelton

Building Academic Vocabulary

Audience: K-12

In this interactive session, you will experience strategies that make academic vocabulary comprehensible and memorable.   No more vocabulary worksheets.  Find out how to teach vocabulary in context and how to storify vocabulary instruction You might also learn a few new words!

Dr. Katie Toppel 

SWIRLing with the app Book Creator

Audience: K-5

The presentation will provide a quick overview of the different features in Book Creator including how to create a book and how to add images, text, and voice recordings. Then, Katie will discuss why Book Creator is such a helpful tool for English learners and how to use the app specifically to support language development by integrating all four language domains into both student and teacher created book projects. 

Irina McGrath & Michelle Shory

Digital Tools to Support English Language Learners

Audience: Secondary

This presentation will focus on digital tools to support comprehensible input for English Language Learners. Featured tools include live captions in Google Slides, Google conversation mode and a multi-lingual translator tool, a strategy randomizer, Google Data Studio and accessibility features in YouTube. Also, participants will receive a tour of the ELL2.0 website we update weekly with research-based strategies and ideas.

Katie Gardner, NBCT

Strengthening ELL Literacy Skills with iPad

Audience: K-5

Katie will be showcasing the tools required for students to take their learning to higher grounds in the primary English as a Second Language classroom. Through thoughtful age appropriate conversation with learning stations, participants will learn how students can connect, apply and create finished products using a variety of innovative program and applications on iPad. Gather helpful strategies on ways to immediately and easily integrate your classroom technology to transform your ELL centers and support second language acquisition. Student samples will be shared to help prompt discovery by the participants and resources described will be shared with the audience. 

Cassandra Chapa, Mina Naranjo, & Steven Ladd

Building Equitable Access for English Learners Through Positive Discourse 

Audience: Admin, school leaders

The campus leader is an integral part of creating the goals and vision for student achievement. Instructional Leaders from Tyler ISD, in Tyler, Texas (K-12) share their strategies to implement intentional coaching cycles and practicing positive discourse with staff to ensure strong instructional practices with English Learners. This presentation is meant to share perspective and strategies to support teachers, aspiring leaders, and current instructional leaders who serve ELs.

What does it mean to teach English Language Learners in today's world? Our role goes beyond working in the back of the classroom room whispering a lesson at a kidney table that is totally unrelated to what a classroom teacher is teaching. This presentation will empower ELL specialists to move beyond being in an isolated role in their schools to changing the landscape of the school community in order to become instructional leaders in their buildings. We're moving beyond the kidney table and taking the lead as change makers in our districts.

Justin Garcia

Sign With Me! - Using ASL and Poetry to Develop Language

Total Physical Response (TPR) is a researched-based tool that is a widely popular in classrooms across the globe. In this presentation, Justin will share his experiences using TPR with Sign Language and poetry as a tool to facilitate language development. Attendants will leave with new literacy strategies to use in their classrooms as well as resources to help get them started with using TPR in the classroom.

Larry Ferlazzo,  Steven Sofronas  &  Valentina Gonzales  

Moderated by Dr. Katie Toppel  & Tan Huynh 

The panelist will watch one session offered at 10:30 AM. They'll convene to share their thoughts and insights. If you can't watch all of the sessions, watch this panel discussion to get the essential takeaways.


11:30- 12:00 PM EST

Shaeley Santiago

Telling ELs' Story with Data Visualizations

Audience: Admin, school leaders

Data about English Learners and EL programs is important for communicating an overview, but it has its downfalls. The sheer quantity of information can be overwhelming which may mask the human side of the data and cause over generalizations. This presentation will address two strategies for making better use of EL data: sharing it through visualizations and pairing it with EL profiles to balance the macro with micro views. Specific examples of different types of data to share and several tools to use to create visualizations will be included.

Dorina Sackman-Ebuwa

From Bollywood to Hyperbole: Using Subtitles to Teach Figurative Language 

Throughout this fun and energetic workshop, the presenter models an exciting lesson on how to use specific Indian Films, commonly referred to as “Bollywood” movies, when teaching figurative language. Using manipulatives such as “paddles of personification” and “masks of metaphors”, participants will engage in interactive and collaborative contests that will encourage recognition and retention of figurative language. Participants will also see evidence-based research on how this method has been proven to be an effective method in teaching not only figurative language, but voice, sentence structure, and fluidity of speech. 

Sarah B. Ottow

The Language Lens for School-Wide Change

Audience: Admin, school leaders

Have you experienced separation or "silos" instead of shared goals and collaboration when it comes to serving our language learners? Discover practical ways that educators can honor and elevate linguistic diversity across an entire school, not just in the ELL/ESL/ENL/MLL/ESOL/EAL Department, though a "language lens". By sharing artifacts and vignettes from schools where the presenter has taught, coached and consulted, participants will be encouraged to share with the audience their own experiences and personally reflect in their own practice for collaboration that is linguistically and culturally responsive for staff, students and families. Three focus areas will be explored--1) relationships built on mutual respect and trust, 2) inclusive language and learning spaces, 3) intentional collaboration that bridges language, content and culture. Walk away with ideas and actions steps for change that brings more equitable access and opportunity to your students, families and colleagues.